Meeting Mr Ghostie… ;)

mrghostieHave you ever seen a ghost? As a Christian I am supposed to steer well clear of the paranormal. Clairvoyants, seances, ghost hunting… they are all out of bounds.

I didn’t become a Christian until I was 33 in 1997. My childhood was idyllic. I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, an era filled with sweet memories I shall treasure forever. My sister became a Christian in her middle to late teens – probably around 1970. Not until the late 1980s did other members of my family follow suit. My brothers and my Mum all came to know God – it was just my dear old Dad who struggled with it all and never actually committed to Christianity.

In the 1970s my Mum went to regular spiritualist meetings locally with her father Joe (my grandfather who I affectionately called Poppa) and together they would participate in seances. I recall hearing about an artist (who also happened to be a medium) attending one meeting and Continue reading