Two years ago today…


Look at the picture above… it’s all smiles and fun! It was taken at work two years ago today. I’m the lady on the far right, and whilst I’m outwardly smiling and apparently having a great time, the truth is, scratch the surface and I was actually crying inside, desperately sad, and very fearful of my future.

You see, 28 years, 4 months and 16 days earlier, I had started my first (and only) full time job as a clerk in a bank. I had made many life long friends over the years, several of whom you’ll see in these photos, and I’d enjoyed countless social events, dated several male colleagues (almost married one!), been the subject of scandal and rumour (oh, what fun!), cried tears of laughter so many times, and most important of all absolutely LOVED my work! There were only 6 weeks of my working life at the bank where I was unhappy and I think that’s quite remarkable. I used to listen to colleagues moaning and griping Continue reading

Review: The 5 Love Languages – The Secret To Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman


I’m rating this book 5 big FAT stars!

Wow! I read this little marvel with great interest and found it fascinating. Quite simply Gary explains that we all have primary and secondary languages of love. We show our love for people in many ways, but we each have a language of love which is demonstrated more frequently than others. More often than not, the language of love we display the most, is also the one which makes us feel loved and secure when we are in receipt of it. In order to keep a loving relationship alive after the honeymoon period subsides, we need to match our partner’s primary and secondary languages. We each have a ‘love tank’ which is empty when relationships fail – we don’t feel loved. In order to fill it again, our partner needs Continue reading