How hype can be misleading – take FIFTY SHADES OF GREY for instance…

When Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James was published last year I was otherwise engaged in my own publishing journey with The Man in a Haystack and couldn’t find the time to read this book, or any other for that matter. I watched as Facebook spewed out status after status, and comment upon comment, about the content between the covers of this book, not to mention the bed covers of Christian Grey’s ‘red room’. Ladies giggled with excitement, shock and maybe some embarrassment at the sex scenes. I read many ‘Oooohs’ and ‘Aaaahs’ and plenty of readers said it was a ‘must read’ trying hard not to reveal spoilers in the process. Needless to say, I was most intrigued but there was no hope at all of me reading it in 2012.50shades

It’s a year since the book was published and the furore and hype began. Since then I’ve heard many things, good and bad, about the Fifty Shades trilogy. If I was to believe everything Continue reading

My weight loss secret – how I dropped 53 lbs and kept it off almost 10 years later ;)





2011_marsaalamTake a look at the evidence and read on to find out how I did it. 😉

First of all, let me say, since the age of 12 my relationship with food was unhealthy. I’d always loved stodgy food, desserts, cakes and chocolate, and had little interest in green vegetables and fruit. I often asked for ‘seconds’ at school dinnertimes and rarely left anything on my plate at home.

It wasn’t until I had watched closely as my mother Continue reading

Check out my first magazine feature!


How exciting! I gave this interview in January to Essex Style Magazine, supplied them with 2 free paperbacks (one to read and review, and another to give away in a prize draw), and finally the day has come when I can breathe a big sigh of relief and feel jubilant with the MASSIVE thumbs up from the reviewer.

Click here and then click on “Read our latest issue” on the right hand side to view the magazine on line and turn to page 38 where you’ll find the feature.